Astronomy 596/496 NPA    Fall 2009


Problem Sets

Problem sets are due in class; late homework will be deducted 25% for every calendar day late. Science is a collaborative enterprise, and you are encouraged to discuss the class material and the problems with your classmates and the instructor. However, you are responsible for your own answers, which you should understand and write up in your own words.

Problem Set 1 Due Friday, Sept. 11 problems solution
Problem Set 2 Due Friday, Sept. 25 problems solution
Problem Set 3 Due Friday, October 9 problems solution
Problem Set 4 Due Friday, October 23 problems solution
Problem Set 5 Due Friday, November 6 problems solution
Problem Set 6 Due Wenesday, December 2 problems solution
Final Problem Set Due Monday, Dec. 14 problems


Class time is best spent when you have already read about the material, so that we can focus on the points that you found difficult and/or interesting. To encourage this reading, and to guide your thinking during the reading, "preflights" will be assigned on weeks without problem sets.

Post your response on the course Compass site

Preflight 1 Due Friday Sept 4, 12 noon
Preflight 2 Due Friday Sept 18, 12 noon
Preflight 3 Due Friday Oct 2, 12 noon
Preflight 4 Due Friday Oct 16, 12 noon
Preflight 5 Due Friday Oct 30, 12 noon
Preflight 6 Due Monday Nov 16, 12 noon

Brian D. Fields
Last modified: Tue Dec 8 14:23:52 CST 2009