Assignments and Course Policies


Important Dates and Assginments

All readings and class assignments must be completed by the beginnig of class on the date indicated in the course schedule. Unless otherwise indiciated, papers and other written work should be submitted on Moodle by the conclusion of the date listed.

Oct 26

selection of work for Final Paper

Nov 16

submission of thesis for Final Paper

Dec 17

Final Paper Due



Attendance, preparation and active participation are the most important compents of your overall performance in the course. Since this is an advanced graduate seminar, you will be expected to come to class with a clear understanding of the material and fully prepared to engage with your colleagues in critical analysis of the assigned texts.


Discussion Forums (Moodle).  


You will also have the opportunity to discuss the material outside of class through online forums. You are not required to participate in these forums per se, but they will be available for continuation/expansion of a topic covered in class and offer an additional opportunity for active participation.




Once during the semester you will be asked to lead the class in a discussion of one of the assigned secondary or critical readings. You should briefly review the contents of the selected material and highlight how it might inform our understanding of the primary material assigned that week and/or relate to other works or issues discussed in the class.

Final Paper


The principal graded work for this course will be a 20-25 page research paper. The paper should focus on a single literary/cultural work selected in consultation with me, along with appropriate reference to relevant critical and theoretical bibliography.


You will be asked to tentatively identify the focus of you paper and submit a preliminary thesis before writing your paper.

Additional Course Policies and Information


Please note that it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with and adhere to all campus and departmental regulations regarding graduate level coursework.


Students with disabiltiies should contact me and/or DRES as soon as possible to ensure appropraite accomodations.