thirteen challenges

You bet!

Before starting the copy editing process,

  • it is beneficial to make a few preparations

Electronic Copy Editing

Word Processing Application

  1. Select the grammar and writing style options (you prefer to apply to a particular instance of writing) on your word processing application
  2. Run the spelling-and-grammar checker (on the particular instance of writing you want to copy edit)
  3. Edit (as you see fit) the instances the spelling-and-grammar checker "flags"

Web Browser

  1. Bookmark an online dictionary (for information on correct spelling)
  2. Bookmark an Online Writing Lab (for information on appropriate grammar and punctuation—perhaps some appropriate formatting, too)
    • Purdue University's Online Writing Lab of has an excellent reputation

Non-Electronic Copy Editing

Have the following on hand:

  • A dictionary
  • A thesaurus
  • A writer's guide, such as
    • The Little Brown Handbook
    • The Bedford Handbook for Writers
    • A Writer's Reference

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