thirteen challenges

The sense one makes of something is:

  • ones comprehension of the nature of that something, and
    • the nature of something includes HOW that something interacts with other things (in the physical world or the mind).

Our sense of something shapes how we interact with that something. For example,

  • IF the sense (you make) of a particular type of mushroom is that it has a poisonous nature,
  • THEN you anticipate (the likelihood) of becoming sick or dying (from poison) when you eat (interact with) that mushroom.

This website is designed to challenge (or affirm) an individual's sense of:

  • WHAT the act of writing is,
  • WHAT the writer really does (to create a particular instance of writing that works), and
  • HOW writing (metaphorically) works—or fails to work, and
  • WHY the writer engages in acts of writing.

Work Through the Confusion

Most students can judge HOW MUCH this website is challenging their sense(s) of writing of by how confused they feel when:

  • interacting with the website, and/or
  • tackling the assignments.

Work through feelings of confusion by:

  • asking questions (of classmates or the instructor),
  • being patient (with yourself and others), and
  • persevering.
© 2009 by bruce erickson. All rights reserved.