thirteen challenges

As part of peer response, the writer will (sometimes) provide specific questions for a peer to answer.

  • These questions are peer response questions.

Sub-Optimal Peer Response Questions

A sub-optimal peer response question (usually):

  • can be answered with "yes" or "no,"
  • lack a well-described concern
    (regarding the preliminary arrangement draft)
    , or
  • lack a meaningful concern
    (regarding the preliminary arrangement draft)

Optimal Peer Response Questions

An optimal peer response question (usually):

  • articulates a meaningful concern (of the writer) in a clear and concise manner,
  • describes both the nature and location of
    the concern (the writer has about the preliminary arrangement draft), and
  • begins with one of the following words:
    • who,
    • what,
    • when,
    • where,
    • why, or
    • how

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