Astr 507 | Lecture 36 | Spring 2014
Astronomy 507
Lecture 36, April 23 Spring 2014

Lecture Notes: pdf file

Growth of Cosmological Perturbations: Newtonian Linear Theory

  • Jeans analysis in non-expanding background
  • Perturbation in expanding FLRW background
  • Unstable modes, linear growth factor

Growth of Cosmological Perturbations: Sketch of Relativistic Theory

Linear Pertrubation Growth: Baryons vs Dark Matter

CMB Anisotropies

CMB Anisotropies: Theory

  • baryon-photon plasma in DM potential
  • acoustic oscillations and acoustic peaks
    illustrations of idealized cases in real (non-k) space
  • effect of cosmology and parameter determination
 Planck Maps the Microwave Background

Lecture Archive

Brian D. Fields
Last modified: Mon Apr 21 09:48:22 CDT 2014