Astr 507 | Lecture 41 | Spring 2014
Bill Press
Astronomy 507
Lecture 41, May 5 Spring 2014 Paul Schechter

Lecture Notes: pdf file

Nonlinear Reality

  • spherical collpase model
  • forecasting structures from initial density field

The Nonlinear Universe: Press-Schechter Theory

  • ingredients/worldview
    smoothing of density field
  • derivation I: quick-n-dirty
  • derivation II: excursion set
  • results (with animated evolution) and their limitations
  • tests of PS
  • applications of PS:
    clusters, mergers, quasar abundances

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

BAO feature in correlation function

Lecture Archive

Brian D. Fields
Last modified: Mon May 5 12:51:33 CDT 2014