Fritz Zwicky
Astronomy 596/496 NPA
Lecture 30, April 12 Spring 2019 Stan Woosley

Lecture Notes: pdf file

The (Former) Solar Neutrino Problem

Supernova Nucleosynthesis

Type II (Massive/Collapse): Pre-Supernova Evolution

  • demographics and basic properites
  • portraits: Orion, zoom to Trapezium
  • Hydrostatic nucleosynthesis
  • He thru O burning
    a tidy onion? not! not!
  • NSE and Si burning
  • Explosive Nucleosynthesis
  • burning results laid bare: Cas A elemental, and in 44Ti

Core Collapse and Explosion

  1. collapse
  2. bounce
  3. a miracle occurs
  4. explosion!

Supernova Neutrinos

  • neutronization
  • thermal emission

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