Course Requirements, Policies, and Evaluation

326                Readings                Evaluation and Course Policies

General requirements and objectives: This course depends heavily on students' thorough preparation of the assigned materials and active participation in class discussions. Throughout the semester, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the required texts, contextual information and critical dialogues through careful analysis of assigned readings, lectures and--in some cases--additional materials. More importantly, you will be expected to develop your own critical assessment of the texts and concepts discussed in the course.

Evaluation: Your final grade will be based on the following criteria:


Participación                            10%


Presentación                            20%


Informe crítico                        25%


Trabajo escrito                        45%


Although--technically--it is only worth 10% of your grade, consistent attendance, preparation and--whenever appropriate--active participation are absolutely essential to the successful completion of the course. In fact, your written work will be evaluated based on your ability to engage and interpret the fundamental issues presented through the assigned texts, lectures and discussions.



You will be asked to give a brief (10 min) presentation in small groups (2-3 people). Your presentation should focus on a particular singer, songwriter, or group. You may also attend a live performance of Latin American/Latino music and base your presentation on that performance.


Based on your research, you should present the following in class.


1. brief summary of history, relevant points, etc.


2. one concrete example (i.e. song, video, summary of performance)


3. how your example dialogues with and/or builds upon established traditions of musical expression


4. the innovations offered by/in your example; how it deviates from established traditions this example might reinforce dominant culture and/or offer an example of counter-hegemonic/subaltern resistance.

INFORME CRÍTICO (1 de abril)


Following your in-class presentation, each student will turn in a written report. The report should be prepared individually, expanding on the material presented in class.


Your informe should include:


1. A brief summary of the content and conclusions articulated in your group presentation


2. a careful analysis of two specific textual examples (i.e. songs, videos)


3. an argument that asserts that the analyzed examples demonstrate music's ability to realize 1) a hegemonic function, 2) a counterhegemonic function, or 3) both.

TRABAJO ESCRITO (11 de mayo)


Your final assignment in the class will be to prepare a short research paper in which you analyze the role of music in one of the assigned literary texts or films. Your paper should have a clear thesis statement, present supporting evidence, incoporate appropriate secondary sources, and arrive at a clear and logical conclusion that highlights the critical significance (the “so what?”) of your argument. Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length.

These requirements may be updated or modified throughout the semester. You should also check compass for supplemental information, guidelines, and submission instructions.

Professional ethics:   Please be sure to study the  principles and procedures outlined in the Student Code.  Pay particular attention to Section 4, “Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure.”







Students with disabilities:  Please contact the instructor as early in the semester as possible if you anticipate the need for accommodation of a disability, so that we can make any necessary arrangements, in coordination with the Office of Disability Resources and Educational Services.