Weekly Readings and Assignments

326                Readings                Evaluation and Course Policies

Unless otherwise indicated, all assignments should be completed by the beginning of class on the corresponding date. All assigned materials (readings, audio tracks, videos, films) should be thoroughly reviewed and reflected upon so that you arrive fully prepared to engage in thoughtful discussion.


Speicifc daily assignments may be updated throghout the semester. Please check Compass and this page regularly for the most current information.


I. La clave: introduction and analysis of Latin American music

19-ene            Introduction


21-ene            Introduction and Workshop

                    “Mi gente

                    “El cantante


26-ene            Lyrics, Sounds, and Meaning

                    Palés Matos, “Falsa canción del baquiné” (on Compass)

                    Grupo Atabla/Roy Brown, “Ohé Nené


28-ene            Latin American Music


2-feb                Cultural Studies

                    Check COMPASS for assignment


4-feb                Cultural Studies

                    Gramsci, “Intellectuals and Hegemony” (on Compass)


9-feb                Latin American Music and Cultural Studies

                    García Canclini, “Culturas hibrídas, poderes oblicuos” (on Compass)


11-feb                Latin American Music and Cultural Studies

                    Carpentier, “Blacks in Cuba” (on Compass)


16-feb            Latin American Music and Cultural Studies

                    Yarbro Bejarano, “Crossing the Border with Chabela Vargas” (on Compass)


18-feb            FILM

                    Buena Vista Social Club


23-feb            Latin American Music: tango

                    Dávila, “Tango Tourism” (on Compass)

                    Foster, “Tango, Buenos Aires, Borges” (on Compass)


25-feb            Latin American Music: salsa

                    GUEST LECTURE

                    Quintero Rivera, “Cultural Struggles for Hegemony” (on Compass)

                    Ulloa Sanmiguel, “Identity is Also Danced” (on Compass)


1-mar                Latin American Music: cumbia

                    D’Amico, “Cumbia Music in Colombia” (on Compass)


3-mar                Latin American Music: reggaetón

                    Marshall, “Dem Bow, Dembow, Dembo” (on Compass)


8-mar                FILM

                    El día que murió el silencio

                    Ehrick, “Radio Transvestism and the Gendered Soundscape in Buenos Aires” (on Compass)


10-mar            presentations


15-mar            presentations


17-mar            presentations




II. Elaboración e improvisación: music as an instrument of expression in

Latin American literature and film


29-mar            Latin American Music and Affect

                    Puig, Boquitas Pintadas


31-mar            Latin American Music and Disaffection

                    Padura, La neblina de ayer (102-129; on Compass)

                        Goldman, “Something a Bit Queer” (on Compass)


1-abr        Informe escrito


5-apr                Latin American Music and Disaffection

                    Caicedo, Que viva la música (114-141)

                    GUEST: Juan Suárez Ontaneda, Department of Spanish & Portuguese


7-apr                FILM

                    Fermín, glorias de tango (on Compass)


12-apr            Latin American Music, Racialization, and Social Commentary

                    Guillén, “Sóngoro cosongo” (on Compass)

                    Palés Matos, “Danza negra


14-apr            Latin American Music, Racialization, and Social Commentary

                    Cucurto, Cosas de negros (selections)


19-apr            FILM

                    Habana Blues


21-apr            NO HAY CLASE


26-apr            Latin American Music, Gender, and Sexuality

                    Vega/Filippi, “Cuatro selecciones por una peseta” (on Compass)

                    Aparicio, “Así son” (on Compass)


28-apr            FILM

                    El cantante


3-may                Latin/o American Music and Transcultural Idenity


11-may        Trabajo escrito

You will need to secure your own copy of Manuel Puig’s Boquitas pintadas. All other print materials can be accessed through live links in the syllabus or on Compass. You will also be responsible for viewing assigned films outside of class. Additional information will be provided in class about how to locate copies of these films.