thirteen challenges

The context of the target audience (for a particular instance of writing) has two major components:

  • Physical Location, and
  • Social Situation

Physical Location

In order to acheive the desired consequence (for a particular instance of writing), the target audience must be in the right place at the right time. So,

  • when choosing a target audience (for a particular instance of writing), consider giving preference to the individual (or group of individuals) closest to the best location for acheiving the desired consequence.

Social Situation

The writer should be familiar with the social situations of a target audience because:

  1. The individual(s) in a target audience often change behavioral roles when they change social situations
    • For example, a senator can also be a spouse and a parent, and
  2. The social authority of individual(s) varies among behavioral roles
    • For example, as a spouse, a senator does not have the authority to sponsor a bill in the Senate

SOCIAL AUTHORITY is the authority granted (through one or more social agreements) to one individual (or group of individuals) by another individual (or group of individuals).

  • Such social agreements need not be articulated in words


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