Thirteen Challenges
four modes of tranportation
The Medium is the Message.
—Marshal McLuhan & Quentin Fiore
writer's journey map
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McLuhan's Hole:

A Media Challenge

While the Lewis and Clark party was swatting pesky gnats, getting tired of eating the same type of food, and spreading disease among the original inhabitants of North America, the citizens of the United States were unaware of the trials and tribulations of the explorers.

  • The common citizen remained unaffected by the explorers' exploits until the accounts of their journey were published in a popular medium—newspapers.

The Media Challenge
at McLuhan's Hole:

  • choosing a medium (for a particular text) from among many different media, such as:
    • fax machines (telephone),
    • newspapers,
    • journals,
    • magazines,
    • screenplays,
    • books,
    • stone walls (w/ carved writing),
    • neon signs,
    • letters (mail),
    • text messaging,
    • tattoos,
    • and more.

So, one is advised to choose a medium (thoughtfully).

Assignment, A Different
  1. Familiarize yourself with the content of this webpage and its linked webpages.
  2. Write a 300-500 word reflective essay in which you:
    • identify which mediums you use to write-to-others at least once a week
    • identify a typical target audience for each of those mediums, and
    • explain the benefits each different medium offers for communicating with the typical target audience you listed.
  3. Submit that essay to your instructor.


A Challenge of Consequence
  • Choose your writing Challenge; change your world
  • Consequence and Credibility
  • A Darker Side of the Dark Wood
  • Three (General) Writing Scenarios
A Rhetorical Challenge
  • Choosing a viable target audience
  • Context, Motive, and Action
  • Keep the target audience small
  • Researching the target audience
  • A Topic (to write about) versus
    A Writing Challenge
A Role-Play Challenge
  • The Willful Reader
A Research Challenge
  • Wikipedia
  • Judging the Credibility (of recorded information)
  • Researching the target audience
  • Keeping track of your research
  • A Topic (to write about)
A Guidance Challenge
  • Should writer's research their audience?
  • Planning a reader's journey
A Discovery Challenge
  • Draft/Sketch a record of your discoveries
A Media Challenge
  • What's an audience forum?
  • Seeing "Unseen" Media
An Execution Challenge
  • Global versus Local Revisions
A Perspective Challenge
  • Commenting on a Peer's Text
  • Peer Response Questions
  • Peer Response versus Copy Editing
  • What does your reader perceive?
A Learning Challenge
  • The Point
An Acceptance Challenge
  • What is copy editing?
  • Backwards can be forwards
  • Make preparations to copy edit?
A Challenge to Begin Anew
  • Finite and Infinite Writers
An Aggregating Challenge
  • Arranging the separate pieces
  • A preliminary arrangement draft
  • Methods of development
darkwood geyser dunes hole keep cliffs fields bridge fire plain delta mountain end stage forest bridge