title: The Birch Grove
by: ©harissa Borroff
licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ |
Geyser @ Yellowstone; Bruce Erickson |
Burke, James. Connections. Boston: Little, Brown, & Company, 1978. 277. |
The Church of Saint Joseph of Montreal, Montreal; Bruce Erickson |
title: Temple of Sinawava
by: modean987
licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ |
Bruce Erickson |
Blake, William. Dante at the Moment of Entering the Fire. Klonsky, Milton. Blake's Dante: The Complete Illustrations of the Divine Comedy. New York: Harmony, 1980. 112. |
Monument Valley, AZ: 1996; Bruce Erickson |
Monument Valley, AZ: 1996; Bruce Erickson |
Nilsson, Harry. The Point. New York: BMG Music, 1989. |
Burke, James. The Day the Universe Changed. Boston: Little, Brown, & Company, 1985. 120. |
Blake, William. Dante Running from the Three Beasts . Klonsky, Milton. Blake's Dante: The Complete Illustrations of the Divine Comedy. New York: Harmony, 1980. 25. |
Role-play Symbol; Bruce Erickson |
Staub, Leslie. Sacajewea. New Orleans, LA: Lemeiux Galleries. January 21, 2004. www.lemieuxgalleries.com/ lg_staub_Sacajewea.html |
Dust cover;
Ambrose, Stephen E. Undaunted Courage: Meriweather Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. |
Target Audience Triangle;
Bruce Erickson |
- "Midway through the journey of our life / I woke to find myself in a dark wood"—Dante Pilgrim
- "Only Nixon could go to China."—Mr. Spock
- "But [. . .]. No time for that either . Off you go!"
- "Finally, the two travelers reached . . . ."